Selamat Tahun Baru 1 Muharam 1429 H

Selamat Tahun Baru 1 Muharam 1429 Hijriah, satu tahun telah berlalu, adakah waktu yang telah kita lewatkan itu terbuang sia-sia?? Ataukah anda masih gamang dengan tiap detik waktu yang harus anda jalankan setiap hari?? Jika kita belum bisa memanfaatkan waktu kita untuk kebaikan maka rugilah kita sebagai manusia.

Menurut teori relativitas, maka umur manusia sangatlah pendek (ingat umur tata surya kita sudah 5 milyar tahun), apakah kita akan buang waktu kita dengan percuma?? Maka gunakanlah waktu kita untuk kebaikan, memberi ruang yang lebih lapang kepada jalan kehidupan, perbanyaklah bertoleransi untuk menghindari konflik, ciptakan surga yang kita kehendaki sesuai aturan-Nya dengan mengubah lingkungan buruk menjadi nyaman untuk di tempati, bukankah surga itu artinya taman atau kebun?? Jadi tatalah bumi ini sebaik-baiknya sesuai mimpi dan harapan anda, jadilah pelopor kebaikan dan berbahagialah Anda dengan segala macam kebaikan itu, sehingga Anda dapat menikmati hidup Anda tiap detiknya….

Rabu, 19 November 2008


Ultimate mode
Successfully complete the game on the Hard difficulty setting to unlock the Ultimate difficulty setting.
Random mode
Successfully complete the game with all sixteen characters to unlock the Random difficulty setting.
Play as Akechi Mitsuhide
Successfully complete the game with Oda Nobunaga, Nou Hime, and Mori Ranmaru to unlock Akechi Mitsuhide.
Play as Honda Tadakatsu
Successfully complete the game with all previously unlocked characters to unlock Honda Tadakatsu.
Play as Itsuki
Successfully complete the game with Date Masamune to unlock Itsuki.
Play as Kasuga
Successfully complete the game with Uesugi Kenshin and Sarutobi Sasuke to unlock Kasuga.
Play as Maeda
Successfully complete the game with Nou Hime to unlock Maeda.
Play as Matsu
Successfully complete the game with Maeda to unlock Matsu.
Play as Mori Ranmaru
Successfully complete the game with Oda Nobunaga to unlock Mori Ranmaru.
Play as Sappi Sasuke
Successfully complete the game with Takeda Shingen to unlock Sappi Sasuke.
Play as Shimazu Yoshihiro
Successfully complete the game with Itsuki and Zabii to unlock Shimazu Yoshihiro.
Play as Zavy
Successfully complete the game with Honda Tadakatsu to unlock Zavy.
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The Daily Poll
Presented by
Are game developers focusing too much on console games and not enough on PC games?
Yes, the game industry is very focused on console gaming and that's a good thing
Yes, and as a PC gamer, I'd like more companies to make more interesting PC games
Yes, piracy is too big of a problem for PC titles to compete
Maybe. You don't really hear about PC games anymore
I think current-gen consoles are getting the attention right now, but PC games will continue to sell well
I find myself playing my console(s) more than the PC now
I think there will always be an audience for PC games no matter what consoles come out
Any game that can be done on the PC can be done on the PS3 and X360
PC games are getting worse. More attention is needed!
No, PC gaming is as strong as ever. World of Warcraft has 11 million users and Crysis is a graphical monster!
I have no opinion on this

View Poll History
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